
Lung Leaders

We care about achieving the best results in lung cancer diagnosis and staging, and we know you do too. Our passion has translated into our portfolio of minimally invasive lung cancer solutions to help tackle this devastating disease today and in the future.

Ready to take on any current and future challenges, together.

Lung-Cancer Diagnosis and Staging Solutions


BF-P190 with GuideSheath Kit and BF-MP190F scope specially for reaching into the periphery of the lung.​

Selective products for this procedure


Identify with radial EBUS to be at the right place to take a sample during peripheral bronchoscopy procedures​.

Selective products for this procedure


Dedicated Devices for the Periphery: Dedicated brush, forceps and 21G needle for 1.7 mm working channel or GuideSheath Kit 2.

Selective products for this procedure


Looking and sampling beyond the bronchial wall: Complete solutions for EBUS-TBNA to enable the visualization and sampling of mediastinal, central and hilar lesions, as well as lymph nodes.​

Selective products for this procedure

EVIS X1 Bronchoscopy System

EVIS X1 introduces a range of new, easy-to-use technologies that aim to revolutionise the way pulmonary disorders can be detected, characterised and sampled.


Peripheral Bronchoscopy

Discover the unique, full solution from access to sampling peripheral lesions.

Peripheral Bronchoscopy

Complete Solutions for EBUS-TBNA

Learn more about the possibilities of viewing and sampling beyond the bronchial wall.


Ultrasound Processor EU-ME3

With more functions, better visualisation, and enhanced operability, the EU-ME3 high-quality, high-resolution, compact ultrasound processor enables integration with conventional endoscopy on a single workstation. Its advanced features include Tissue Harmonic Echo (THE), Contrast Harmonic EUS (CH-EUS), and Elastography.

The EU-ME3 ultrasound processor is unique in its ability to support a wide range of Endobronchial Ultrasound Bronchoscopy (EBUS) procedures, such as EBUS-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) and radial EBUS for peripheral bronchoscopy procedures.

Learn more

Join Our Lung-Term Learning Community

Be part of the movement to enhance pulmonology care! We invite you to actively participate by sharing your burning questions, and our esteemed experts will incorporate them into our exclusive FAQ series.​

Take this opportunity to make a difference and join us on this exciting journey of continuous learning and professional growth. Together, we can take on lung cancer.​

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If you need help or would like to learn more about Olympus products or solutions, please get in touch with us.

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