Products for Gastrointestinal Procedures

Endoscopic Ancillaries (2)

Featured product

Featured product ENDOCUFF VISION — Mechanically Enhanced Colonoscopy


ENDOCUFF VISION™ is a device attached to the distal end of a colonoscope, designed to maintain and maximise the viewable mucosa during endocosopic therapy by manipulating colonic folds.
A single row of flexible arms evert and flatten folds to provide an enhanced view of the entire colon and to decrease the polyp missrate.


Endoscopic Ancillaries

Single-Use and Reusable Endoscopic Ancillaries


Olympus offers a wide range of high-quality, single-use and reusable endoscopic ancillaries. Perfectly aligned with Olympus therapeutic products, they facilitate procedural efficiency and support patient comfort.

  • Biopsy valves - Optimal device manipulation and reduction of cross-contamination risk
  • Mouthpieces - High patient comfort and safety
  • Lubricant gel - Better scope insertion and advancement during gastroenterological procedures
  • Polyp trap portfolio - Easy installation, enhanced visualization and efficient sample preparation
  • Cleaning brushes -The right cleaning brushes for your Olympus endoscopes

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